Saturday, December 1, 2012

The L Word Promotion: Offensive, or Not?

The picture above is a poster promoting the DVD release of season two of the hit TV show, The L Word. The L Word is a show following the love lives of a number of different lesbian women. It is a show that includes a lot of cursing, nudity, and sexual activity. Therefore, the appearance of the women on the poster-- each woman posing in a sexual manner, and dressed in revealing, suggestive clothing-- would not surprise anyone who follows the show. However, some could argue that the sexual way in which these women are presenting themselves could be offensive to women-- to lesbian women, especially. Some might argue that the sexual availability that is being portrayed in the poster gives lesbian women a bad image, and that it might cause the show's audience to gain a false knowledge of what lesbian women are really like in real life. However, some could also argue that heterosexual women are also portrayed in the same sexual manner in television and movie ads, and that the poster is not giving lesbians a bad image at all. Instead, it is over-sexualizing women in general. In short, whether or not someone finds this image offensive all depends on whether or not a person believes that over-sexualizing women in the media-- whether they be heterosexual or homosexual-- is an okay thing to do.

-Alyssa DiSabito

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