In the television show South of Nowhere, a girl named Spencer Carlin moves from her small town in Ohio to Los Angeles, California, where over time, she meets another girl named Ashley. She eventually falls in love with Ashley, and realizes that she is gay. Spencer's sexuality affects her in many different ways, but the main way Spencer's sexuality affects her is through her relationships with different members of her family. When Spencer's mother found out that she was gay, she was very angry, and Spencer thought that it would destroy their relationship forever. The same thing happened with her brother Glen, who is in the video clip above. However, Spencer's mom soon realizes that Spencer is still the same person, and that she is happy, and the two of them have a better relationship afterward. In the clip above, Spencer is filming a video diary about coming out to her grandmother, and how it has affected their relationship. Coming out is a very big deal and a very hard thing to do, and I think that South of Nowhere portrays this difficulty very well, especially through Spencer and her storyline.
-Alyssa DiSabito
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