The Color Purple, released in 1985, created a mix of emotions among the
black community, for the ways in which it both varied and stayed true to the
original novel.
Significantly, Spielberg’s movie does not discuss the themes of nationalism
that was raised in Waker’s novel. She writes, "White people
busy celebrating they independence from England July 4th, say Harpo,
so most black folks don’t have to work. Us spend day celebrating each other,
and, “the way you know who discover America, Nettie say, is think bout
cucumbers.” The original text uses these lines to depict the ways that African
American women do not feel like a true part of America because of their
exploitation, discrimination, and history of violence and slavery from the
dominating whites. This theme is starkly absent from the Hollywood adaptation.This
echoes the usual whitewashing of film; it does not want to create guilt for the
white American audience, and it also shows that Spielberg himself is not
willing to fully acknowledge white privilege and its deleterious effects on the
African American community. The film goes on to fully emphasize the role of
sisterhood and bonding, but neglects Shug and Celie’s sexual relationship; the
film must only portray socially acceptable relationships, especially within the
already controversial context of the story.
Women Studies: Film and TV
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Johnny Depp as Tonto
"Redface": Redface refers to the creation and propagation of racist
American Indian stereotypes and caricatures. It also describes the
systematic bias against hiring real
Native Americans to
play Native American roles shown by white producers, directors,
and others who
control the depiction of Native Americans in
popular culture through casting decisions. (Definition by this website on offensive minority portrayals.)
So, is Johnny Depp (pictured above) being cast as Tonto in the upcoming film The Lone Ranger a prime example of redface? Much like blackface, redface has a sordid history of being a method for exploiting and ridiculing a subjugated minority. Johnny Depp is not a person of color, but mentions, "I guess I have some Native American somewhere down the line. My great grandmother was quite a bit of Native American, she grew up Cherokee or maybe Creek Indian." Does this 'count'? If he did not grow up with Native features, participate in the Native community, and has little to no knowledge of his possible ancestry, is Johnny Depp still Native American enough to play a member of the Comanche tribe?
Tonto himself is a paradigm of racial stereotyping, with his ceremonial garb and offensive name ("tonto" is Spanish slang for stupid). But as such a huge Native American role, why did revenue for a well-known white actor supersede casting a Native American man? Rumors are that this movie aims to "reinvent" Tonto as something greater, but good intentions do not mitigate the real effects. Tonto may seem small, but his representation is inherently political.
Dana Ammann
Problematics Behind "The Help"
"Despite efforts to market the book and the film as a progressive story of triumph over racial injustice, The Help distorts, ignores, and trivializes the experiences of black domestic workers."
- Association of Black Women Historians
What? When The Help premiered in 2011, it was endorsed by Oprah Winfrey and became one of the most popular feel-good stories in America. Emma Stone plays a charming, white, proto-feminist writer fresh out of college. She dares to document the struggles of black maids in the face of the her racist Southern community. But how does the film industry fail to structure the real stories of these women? The film is starkly devoid of the ongoing and brutal sexual harassment and assault of female domestics, and depicts black men as violent, cruel, or absent. Not to mention "Skeeter" Phelan's role as the white savior to these oppressed women. The film vaguely takes place in 1963 (indicated by the assassination of Medgar Evers), a harrowing time in African-American history; in the film, this is transformed into an enlightening and happy experience for white people.
Additionally, there is no historical basis for "Skeeter" Phelan's project or book that becomes published. It is a way for a white woman to rewrite the history of Civil Rights, effectively whitewashing the 1960s.
Dana Ammann
- Association of Black Women Historians
What? When The Help premiered in 2011, it was endorsed by Oprah Winfrey and became one of the most popular feel-good stories in America. Emma Stone plays a charming, white, proto-feminist writer fresh out of college. She dares to document the struggles of black maids in the face of the her racist Southern community. But how does the film industry fail to structure the real stories of these women? The film is starkly devoid of the ongoing and brutal sexual harassment and assault of female domestics, and depicts black men as violent, cruel, or absent. Not to mention "Skeeter" Phelan's role as the white savior to these oppressed women. The film vaguely takes place in 1963 (indicated by the assassination of Medgar Evers), a harrowing time in African-American history; in the film, this is transformed into an enlightening and happy experience for white people.
Additionally, there is no historical basis for "Skeeter" Phelan's project or book that becomes published. It is a way for a white woman to rewrite the history of Civil Rights, effectively whitewashing the 1960s.
Dana Ammann
Where Are the Black Girls in "Girls"?
Lena Dunham's "Girls" has been subject to scrutiny over its all-white cast; the reasons for this are clear, as the hit drama is set in Brooklyn, NY where only one-third of the population is white.
Dunham plays the main character of Hannah, a struggling twentysomething writer in New York City. In the show's pilot, Hannah earnestly tells her parents of her hope to become the "voice of [her] generation." Response to criticism from Dunham and the show's writers can be summarized as Dunham not feeling she could adequately portray the experiences of women of color. However, this claim does not coincide with the show's intent to focus on the realities of young women in New York trying to find themselves; the city is not a lily-white and the characters only seem to encounter people of color as nannies or bartenders with one-liner roles.
This pictures the casting call for Girls.
The characters in the show, echoing Lena Dunham's own experiences, are cossetted by their own self-segregation. While Girls presents educated young women feeling their way around independence in progressive messaging, the white privilege of not having to include others because of their difference is still present.
Dana Ammann
Dunham plays the main character of Hannah, a struggling twentysomething writer in New York City. In the show's pilot, Hannah earnestly tells her parents of her hope to become the "voice of [her] generation." Response to criticism from Dunham and the show's writers can be summarized as Dunham not feeling she could adequately portray the experiences of women of color. However, this claim does not coincide with the show's intent to focus on the realities of young women in New York trying to find themselves; the city is not a lily-white and the characters only seem to encounter people of color as nannies or bartenders with one-liner roles.
This pictures the casting call for Girls.
The characters in the show, echoing Lena Dunham's own experiences, are cossetted by their own self-segregation. While Girls presents educated young women feeling their way around independence in progressive messaging, the white privilege of not having to include others because of their difference is still present.
Dana Ammann
"Hunger Games" Fans and Racism
The Hunger Games is one of the most popular YA book series of 2011 and 2012.The film version was lauded for its multiracial cast and strong female lead; however, backlash at three major characters cast as black actors rocked the fan base after the release of the movie and its previews. Suzanne Collins' original description of Rue, a young girl entered in a fight to the death, reads, "She has bright, dark, eyes and satiny brown skin
and stands tilted up on her toes with her arms slightly extended to
her sides, as if ready to take wing at the slightest sound. It's
impossible not to think of a bird." This bubbling rage of fans -- often from young teenagers -- reeks of overt prejudice and racism.
These tweets send a message: that a character with such sweet and lovable qualities such as Rue can't possibly be black. Another Twitter commenter expressed, "Awkward moment when Rue is some black girl and not the innocent blonde girl you pictured." Black means bad, or evil, and certainly not naive and innocent. Those traits for reserved for little white girls, and specifically, little white blonde girls. While The Hunger Games seemingly takes place in a post-racial world where wealthy citizens dye their skin tones of green and orange, these slurs against black actors in the film (particularly against a child) indicate that racism is not gone from today's world, but has only gone into hiding.
- Dana Ammann
These tweets send a message: that a character with such sweet and lovable qualities such as Rue can't possibly be black. Another Twitter commenter expressed, "Awkward moment when Rue is some black girl and not the innocent blonde girl you pictured." Black means bad, or evil, and certainly not naive and innocent. Those traits for reserved for little white girls, and specifically, little white blonde girls. While The Hunger Games seemingly takes place in a post-racial world where wealthy citizens dye their skin tones of green and orange, these slurs against black actors in the film (particularly against a child) indicate that racism is not gone from today's world, but has only gone into hiding.
- Dana Ammann
Saturday, December 1, 2012
ParaNorman: First Gay Character In An Animated Children's Movie
For a very long time, the television and movie industry has been adamant about placing homosexual characters in TV shows and films with either a teenaged demographic, or an adult demographic. Never has there ever been a children's movie where a gay character was mentioned-- until the release of ParaNorman, that is. During one of the scenes of this animated Tim Burton movie, you find out that one of the main characters is gay. The clear demographic for this movie is children, and the fact that a gay character has been mentioned for the first time in an animated movie is a big step forward. Most people in the industry, or even regular members of society, would state that they believed that including a gay character in a children's movie or television show was "inappropriate" or "unsuitable" for kids of a young age. However, the makers of ParaNorman certainly didn't think so, and I think that if we give it a couple of years, society might start to agree with them.
-Alyssa DiSabito
Gender Roles in Disney Princess Films
Disney Princesses
Disney is known as a corporation
that makes movies to please the whole family. One of their most notable series
is the Disney Princess films. All little girls fall in love with the idea of
being a princess and living happily ever after, which makes these films very
popular among young girls. However, Disney has received criticism for their
gender representations In the six Disney films that have quintessential Disney
princesses (Snow White, Aladdin, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the
Beast, The Little Mermaid) there are clear messages and through lines regarding
the role of women and men. Women are supposed to be beautiful, skinny, willing,
helpless, and able to perform the duties of a housewife. Each of their movies
has a central prince/princess pairing, and the women are “saved” in some way by
the macho, strong, independent prince. There is a strong focus on the
princesses being beautiful, and how their beauty affects them, and is the
reason they are “rescued”. For example, Ariel from The Little Mermaid longs so
much for a man’s love that she is willing to give up her identity as a mermaid
to become a human with legs. Cinderella is saved from terrible living
conditions because she met the prince for two hours, and he looked throughout
the land for her, simply because he thought she was beautiful. All in all, the
messages that these classic films send to young, impressionable girls and boys are very
detrimental to their upbringing.
-- Breana Swain
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